Jenna & Aeryk's Engagement Session at Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY

Our favorite part about engagement sessions is getting to go on an adventure with our couples. It’s even better when we get to do it in their neighborhood and get the grand tour from the best possible tour guides. We first met up with Jenna and Aeryk at Franklin Park Bar in Crown Heights and shared tales from the pandemic over drinks and tacos. As the sun set in the early evening sky we made our way by foot to Prospect Park where we let these two lead us around to some of their favorite spots. On our way there we passed a bodega they frequent, the entrance to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (their first date site!), and the steps to the grand Brooklyn Public Library. We couldn’t help but remark on the number of people enjoying the outdoors, quite a sight for seriously sore eyes. Life buzzing in every direction, small moments unfolding quietly around each corner, an incomprehensible complexity ticking away in equal parts harmony and chaos. Brooklyn’s ‘back-yard’ as it’s fondly called, Prospect Park offers tranquility and recreation to the borough’s residents and, at least for visitors like us, feels entirely unexpected in a city known for its urban sprawl. It’s a lovely place brimming with forests and open space for folks playing rugby, taking a yoga class, and sketching the natural beauty. This was honestly perfect for us, and we all agreed it wasn’t far off from what we’d have been doing on a normal Saturday afternoon anyways. That was the really beautiful bit of the entire experience for us: getting to drop into two peoples’ lives whom we’re just getting to know and share an experience in a neighborhood that has come to mean so much to them.