Liz & Ayaska's Courtyard Wedding at Yale University, New Haven CT

Rarely do we photograph weddings which so thoroughly recall a couples’ history, from the first date to the proposal to the wedding day. This was absolutely the overarching theme of Liz and Ayaska’s wedding, one contributed to by so many people in attendance. The depth of their relationship as recalled by friends, mentors, and family painted a picture so hard fought, so full of triumph and heartbreak alike that it brought tears to our eyes as we photographed this occasion that, just 6 weeks ago, existed only conceptually. The reason and perhaps the impetus that began the sprint towards their wedding day: Ayaska’s family, traveling from Sri Lanka, left for a trip to the United States just before a nationwide lockdown prevented further international travel. What started as a rare visit suddenly turned into the best reason to plan an entire wedding in just over a month’s time, and to be blunt nearly every single thing had to go ‘right’ for them in order to pull it off. And you know what? It did, and they did it. The band they’ve long admired was available to play until the last person left the dance floor. The restaurant so dear to their hearts graciously closed their doors for the day to cater the wedding. The college they both are such massive parts of, Yale University, just so happened to be free of students due to summer break. As it happened, a wedding we had scheduled for the only day that every other vendor had free cancelled earlier this year, leaving us available as well. The resulting mood, atmosphere, whatever you want to call it was a resounding “this feels like it was meant to be.” We’re big believers in the idea that places hold memory. The courtyard within Yale that held their wedding is also their front yard. Liz and Ayaska live in residence at Jonathan Edwards College, one of the smallest residential colleges in the country, and is the site of their first meet, their engagement, their first apartment together, and now their wedding. For a couple who has been through more trials and tribulations than most will face in a lifetime together, this celebration could not have been more joyous. These two are entirely dedicated to experiencing life as much as humanly possible, together. Watching them help one another get ready upstairs in their apartment overlooking the courtyard, seeing Ayaska zip around fulfilling tasks on a long and excruciatingly organized to-do list, and having the honor of documenting the day was almost too much for our hearts to handle. It’s immediately apparent when you meet these two: they are special. Everyone there knew it, we knew it, we hope they do too.

Venue: Yale University
Catering: Olea New Haven
Florals: Janet Dudley
Bridal Boutique: The Savvy Bride
Hair: Edge of Madison
Menswear: Brooks Brothers
Design Collateral: John Yi
Band: Bales & Gitlin Band
Derek Simpson, New Haven