Katie & David's Blue Hour Engagement Session in Northampton, MA

Meeting up with Katie and David in their corner of Northampton, MA felt like a journey through their story there. While having drinks and food at a favorite spot of theirs, The Dirty Truth, they revealed to us that they just closed on a house together right down the street from where they currently live and suggested we walk to see it. As we started our stroll, the unmistakable sound of a train making its way down the tracks sent Katie and David running, hoping to get a photo with the train car they had become so accustomed to hearing pass by from their apartment. After missing it the first go-round, we spent a few minutes near the tracks taking photos until it made its way back around again. We kept moving along, passing the florist for their wedding’s storefront, a favorite pizza spot of theirs, and a cute outdoor kitty that we had to stop and say hello to. When Katie and David pointed out a corner property complete with a vegetable garden and string lights on the front porch and said “that’s the one,” we couldn’t believe how adorable it was. We knew we wanted to photograph them here, even in the waning light of gloaming hour in late August, and so we did. We’re always up for a creative challenge and if we’re honest the combination of deep blue skies and warm tungsten light is up there with peak shooting light for us. If the night hadn’t stolen every last bit of light from us we’d have probably kept shooting, but then again we’re just that much more excited for their wedding later this year in the Berkshires.

Hannah-Marie Hayes