Claire & Ali's Catskills Wedding, Bovina NY

Each and every detail of Claire and Ali's wedding was the result of creative collaboration with the people and community they love. The wedding was hosted by Claire's parents at the home they built in the Catskills, the programs and invitations were designed and hand-set by Ali and a friend on his own printing press, the bread eaten at the Town Hall reception baked by Claire's Mom, the ceremony arbor built by Claire's Dad, and the list goes on. All of the little things lovingly crafted by the couple or the wonderful people they surround themselves with made this wedding really stand out to us. We felt the love these two share for their friends, families, and the Bovina community was how it was reciprocated ten fold. We witnessed first hand the bond these families have and admired the strength reflected through them. Everyone in attendance came together to share a bit of themselves, relish in the natural beauty offered by the Catskills, and offer their love and support for Claire and Ali during their wedding day.